Easter Jeep Safari 2024 Recap
Easter Jeep Safari 2024 Recap
Credit: Tony Carvallo, Andy Perry
One thing was certain, Freeze brought nothing but smiles and happiness to everyone we encountered. The reaction was much the same for everyone that we saw - the first reaction being one of perplexity…the look of “what is it?” - the same look you might see a dog make when it hears a strange new noise and cocks its head to the side trying to figure it out. The look of confusion would quickly transition into a smile/laughter, which increased in intensity as they got closer to the vehicle and could see all of the features that make Freeze what it is! The final thing that would happen was the uncontrollable urge to suggest, “You should sell Ice Cream out of that thing!!” — to which we replied with a big grin, “WE ARE!”
On Sunday morning we got up and drove out to Behind the Rocks to hop on the trail and get setup at “High Dive” and “Upchuck Hill” — our plan was to surprise the everyone that was partaking in the Warn trail ride that morning. We hit the nail on the head with the group driving up to “High Dive” and seeing Freeze sitting on the other side, not completely sure what we were doing. They would soon find out that the reward for conquering the obstacles was a delicious Oreo Ice Cream Cookie! It may have been snowing, but that didn’t stop everyone from enjoying a delicious frozen treat! As JT from Nemesis said, “Eating the Ice Cream will make your insides colder, which will make you feel warmer on the outside!!”
Monday was spent going through Freeze to nut and bolt everything and make sure that we didn’t have any issues. This allowed for an opportunity to hop in with our friends at Rock Slide Engineering and run Steel Bender with them and the guys at Rebel Offroad Texas. We ran into our friends from Dana/Spicer and a handful of other friends, including Colt and his Family who run Texas Truck Works. Tanner was behind the wheel of the Rock Slide Gladiator, which has the full Steer Smarts Yeti XD Steering system on it as well as hydro assist from PSC Motorsports and the 74Weld Portals. It was really cool to see how well all of the parts worked together and complimented each other — not to mention that all of these products are made proudly here in the USA!
On Tuesday we went out to Hell’s Revenge with our friends JT and Rob from Nemesis Industries, and together we scoped out where our Wednesday event would be held and then decided to run Freeze through the rest of the trail and up Hell’s Gate to see how it would wheel. The vehicle, for looking as big as it does, is setup very well and does a surprisingly good job of conquering whatever was thrown at it while out in Moab! Photos and videos never do any of the obstacles justice, but Freeze did exactly what we hoped it would and didn’t bat an eye in the process.

We switched up the Ice Cream for Donuts and Coffee on Wednesday morning - sharing coordinates to meet at the Dinosaur tracks on Hell’s Revenge at first light. We invited our friends Fred Williams and Dave Chappelle out to be a part of the event! We had 40+ people there ready to go as the sun started to crest the top of the mountains. From dawn until about 11am we saw 250+ jeeps roll through and handed out over 120 donuts and finished 6 boxes of coffee from Starbucks! We saw some familiar faces and met a lot of new people who were thrilled to get free donuts in addition to the SWAG we had on hand.
We finished off our EJS week by bringing Freeze 2.0 to the Dana/Spicer party and displaying it right in the middle of the event. The smiles continued to pour in as people got an up-close and personal experience with the Ice Cream Jeep, and even got to walk away with some Ice Cream that was kept cold all week because of the awesome ARB 4x4 102qt Fridge/Freezers!